Banner advertising at Les Dow Field at Hartman Park forms the backdrop for the City of Redmond’s busiest baseball field, with more than 150 high school, youth, and adult baseball games from March through October.
It’s also a major fundraising program for Mustang baseball.
Through an agreement with the City of Redmond, the Booster Club offers space for 4×8-foot banner ads on the outfield fence, with the funds going straight toward expenses that are above and beyond what’s covered by the LWSD sports participation fee.
Interested in a banner ad? Here are some guidelines to follow:
- All banners must be 4 x 8 feet in size and made of vinyl with a border seam, grommets, and a dark green back side, as designated by Redmond Parks & Recreation.
- Banners will be displayed from March until October each year. The Redmond Baseball Booster Club provides installation, removal, and off-season storage.
- Your banner will be viewed from 300 feet away or more, so focus on easy-to-see essentials—your company name, logo, a website address, and phone number. Use a design and colors that promote high visibility and contrast.
- We can point you in the right direction if you need help with printing and graphic design.
- All advertising is subject to review by the Redmond Baseball Booster Club and Redmond Director of Parks and Recreation. Make sure your message is appropriate for a youth/family environment.
- Check out our guidelines for advertisers.
The Hartman Park “big field” hosts multiple tournaments that attract players and their families from all over the Pacific Northwest, including the state Mickey Mantle championships in July. A banner ad in the outfield is a great way to build connections between your business, Mustang baseball, and the community of Redmond.
To learn more, contact Tim Uyematsu, Redmond Baseball Booster Club president, 206-718-7463;